CSx Installation
CSx Flow Chart
Start your work
RL Calculations
Checking Data
      L Section
Top Level RLs
'Other' Sheet
Final L Section
Grade Corrections
      Move Grips
      Insert Point
      Slope to Line
Quantity by L Scetion
Completing L Section
      Line to Slope
      Print RLs
      Export Text
'Heading' Sheet
'Colour' Sheet
Quantity Statement Formating
Folders at the end of CSx
Multi Layer Cross Sections
'Other' Sheet in detail
'Top_Layer' Sheet
'Drain' Sheet
'Widening_Layer' Sheet
'Area' Sheet
Different data
in different chainages
        HOME         CSinLS     N E X T ›››    

Purpose of this command is to draw all cross sections within L Section drawing, so that we can view both L section and cross section RLs in a single drawing, to check all RLs quickly.

Give this command from 'LSext' in 'CSx' menu, or type 'csinls' in command prompt:
CSinLS command in menu

This dialog box will display:
CSinLS dialog box

Both parameters are same as given in L section. Click 'OK'.
After clicking 'OK', it will ask to select a profile:
Select Profile: Select a Green P line by mouse.
After selecting a P line, small vertical cross sections will display along selected P line:
Cross sections preview in L Section

All these cross sections (c/s) are in vertical direction and in a layer named 'CSinLS'. Left side is above Green line and right side is below Green line. Check all c/s carefully.

If any c/s found wrong, rest the mouse cursor on vertical grid, chainage will display in hyperlink. Go to 'GL' sheet in XLS file. Search the same chainage and edit data manually...

Now we ensure that our GL data are correct for both, L section and c/s.
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