CSx Installation
CSx Flow Chart
Start your work
RL Calculations
Checking Data
      L Section
Top Level RLs
'Other' Sheet
Final L Section
Grade Corrections
      Move Grips
      Insert Point
      Slope to Line
Quantity by L Scetion
Completing L Section
      Line to Slope
      Print RLs
      Export Text
'Heading' Sheet
'Colour' Sheet
Quantity Statement Formating
Folders at the end of CSx
Multi Layer Cross Sections
'Other' Sheet in detail
'Top_Layer' Sheet
'Drain' Sheet
'Widening_Layer' Sheet
'Area' Sheet
Different data
in different chainages
        HOME         L Section     N E X T ›››    
For this, open a new blank file in AutoCAD. Give 'Lsec' command:
Lsec command in menu
This will display:
L Section dialog box
Taking all parameters one by one:

Button to browse xls data file Click on 'XLS(X) File' button to browse XLS data file, if required. This data file's path will display in edit box.

Edit box to show dwg file path Click 'DWG File' button to browse a DWG block used in L Section. This file may be 'LSdwg(L)1.dwg', present in 'CSxSupport' folder.

Roundup butten 'Off' the 'Roundup by 0.005' button. 'On' this button in final L section, if you want.

Edit box for text height Enter '4.5' in edit box, for height of texts used in L Section.

Edit box for RL's position Here, we want L section of centre RLs of GL data, hence give '0', in this edit box.

Remarks butten 'Off' this button. In final L section, this will 'On'.

dit boxes for Vertical and Horizontal ratio Enter 0.1 and 1.0 for '1 unit : ?Verticle' and '1 unit : ?Horizontal' respectively. 1 meter for every 0.1 unit in vertical and 1 meter for every 1.0 unit in horizontal direction. Here vertical is 10 times large then horizontal. This is the ratio, not scale. Give scale at plotting time.

Edit boxes for upper and lower gaps See the following self explanatory figure for above parameter:
L section parameters

Click 'OK' button.
After few seconds, you found following messages in command prompt:
Give range in command prompt
Give Range for L section (????-????) <ALL>: Press enter for all. A block will display in drawing area:
Pick points
and following messages will display in command prompt:
Pick point for chainages or 'Enter': Pick at 1
Pick point for (0.000) RLs or 'Enter': Pick at 2
After picking all points, we will get L section as shown in previous page.
'Save As' dialog box will display. Click 'Save', to save this drawing:
Save As dwg file
Note that file name with full path is displayed in top of AutoCAD window:
DWG file path display in top
You can give any different file name also. This L section is only for checking and correcting data. Final L section will drawn again in a new file. Hence it is not necessary to save this L section.
Now we want to draw cross sections in this L section drawing, to check GL survey data:
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