CSx Installation
CSx Flow Chart
Start your work
RL Calculations
Checking Data
      L Section
Top Level RLs
'Other' Sheet
Final L Section
Grade Corrections
      Move Grips
      Insert Point
      Slope to Line
Quantity by L Scetion
Completing L Section
      Line to Slope
      Print RLs
      Export Text
'Heading' Sheet
'Colour' Sheet
Quantity Statement Formating
Folders at the end of CSx
Multi Layer Cross Sections
'Other' Sheet in detail
'Top_Layer' Sheet
'Drain' Sheet
'Widening_Layer' Sheet
'Area' Sheet
Different data
in different chainages
        HOME         'Top_Layer' Sheet     N E X T ›››    

Top layers are shown by Red lines:
Top layers

SlpL= Slope in Left
SlpR= Slope in Right
FL= Full Layer
Off.= Offset (stepping of one side)
As shown in above figure, maximum 6+2=8 layers are possible.

Compare two cross sections in above figures. One has zero offsets and other has non zero offsets.
Offset is measured from their corresponding upper layer.
Give layer name, thickness at centre, slopes in left/right sides and offset, for each layer in this sheet:
'Top_Layer' sheet

Give '0' thickness for no layer.

Do not give discontinue layers:
Following data is wrong, because 'Lay.6', and 'Lay.5' are present (non zero thickness), 'Lay.4' is not present (zero thickness), but again 'Lay.3' is present. This is called discontinue layer data:
Discontinue layer data in 'Top_Layer' sheet
Shift 'Lay.3' data to 'Lay.4', to correct it:
Correct data in 'Top_Layer' sheet

If you give 0 thickness for all 6 layers from 'Lay.6' to 'Lay.1' and give some thickness for 'FL2(new)', then you get only this layer:
FL2(New) layer

Give '420' thickness for 'FL2(new)', to get single line for earth work. Here three layers 'Lay.6', 'Lay.5', and 'Lay.4' are also present:
FL2(New) effect

Give shoulder thickness in 'Other' sheet, if you want.

NewRoad(0/1): This is the IInd column of Top_Layer sheet. Give '1' for new road and give '0' for improvement or widening type of cross sections. See following two cross sections:
'NewRoad' parameter with 1 ans 0

When this parameter is set to '0', lowest layer is up to GL.

Note: When this value is '1', Widening layers will ignore, even if you give, using 'Widening_Layer' sheet.
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