CSx Installation
CSx Flow Chart
Start your work
RL Calculations
Checking Data
      L Section
Top Level RLs
'Other' Sheet
Final L Section
Grade Corrections
      Move Grips
      Insert Point
      Slope to Line
Quantity by L Scetion
Completing L Section
      Line to Slope
      Print RLs
      Export Text
'Heading' Sheet
'Colour' Sheet
Quantity Statement Formating
Folders at the end of CSx
Multi Layer Cross Sections
'Other' Sheet in detail
'Top_Layer' Sheet
'Drain' Sheet
'Widening_Layer' Sheet
'Area' Sheet
Different data
in different chainages
        HOME         Difference     N E X T ›››    

Purpose of this command is to draw values in meters showing height between Two existing profiles or P lines in L section.

Give 'LS_DIFFERENCE' command or select it from 'LSext' of 'CSx' menu:
Dialog box for 'LS_DIFFERENCE' command

Check values, present in edit boxes.
Click 'From another PLine vertices' radio button present for 'Chainage interval' and select 'OK' button.
Following messages will display in command prompt area:
Command messages in command prompt

Select final polyline: Select a Red line.
Select initial polyline: Select a Green line.
Pick point for text: Pick point bellow a text as 'Diff.'.

Within a second, all values will display in drawing, showing a height in Meters between Two PLines selected by user.
Complete L section is look like this:
Complet L Section

Save the drawing.
Now we want to export RTL values (obtained by 'LS_PRINTRL' command), from drawing to 'GL' sheet of Excel file.
See next topic for this...
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